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Message from the CEO

Dr. Reynolds

Dr. Chuck Reynolds

Muncie is and always has been home, and I am incredibly proud and honored to lead the school district that gave me so much growing up. Muncie Community Schools has always been filled with wonderful, caring educators, but now with our one-of-a-kind partnership with Ball State University, MCS is moving forward in ways that previously weren't possible. 

Our students receive access, instruction and opportunities that other students simply don't. They are the focus of a community that comes together to support them in all kinds of ways, and that touches my heart.

We expect a lot from our students because we want them to be our next generation of leaders. You don't create leaders by settling. MCS students literally have dozens of different pathways to graduation, so they can find the best one to set them up for lifelong success. It's our job to help guide them onto that best path.

Whether it's Project Lead The Way (STEM education), High Ability, Dual Language, Early College, Career and Technical Education, athletics or our award-winning music programs, something - or many things - at MCS will enable students to succeed well after they graduate. Thanks for trusting us with your kids. Let's help them succeed together!


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MCS-Ball State University Partnership

We have 
a unique partnership.

Mission and Vision

Find out more about our Mission and Vision 

Read our Strategic Plan



MCS offers extra-curricular activities at all levels.

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