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Indiana SUN Bucks

SUN Bucks, a new benefits program that provides families $120 for each eligible school-aged child to buy groceries when school is out. Summer is a time when many children lose the free and reduced-price meals they get at school, and when households might need a little extra help putting meals on the table. Directly Certified families will get these benefits automatically, but other eligible families will need to apply through the link below. This new program is available in addition to free meals that kids of all ages can get at summer meal sites in their communities.
 Click on the links below for more information:

Guidance to resolve basic PIN reset issues:

To protect the card benefits from fraud, the selected PIN cannot be a sequence of numbers (1234 or 9876) or repeated numbers (1111 or 8888). Additionally, the number cannot have two or more repeating numbers (i.e. 1288) or more than two sequential numbers (i.e. 1238).

The zip code must match the zip code where the card was sent.

The date of birth must match the child on the card and must be in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.

The system times out quickly. If they delay putting in any of the required information, it may be a timing issue. It is helpful to  write out all the numbers you will need to submit them to have ready to type in. This includes the card number, zip code, date of birth (for the child on the card), and the PIN they would like to use (see guidelines above).

If households continue to have issues after following the above guidance, please call the SUN Bucks helpline at 317-234-4528 or submit to the online help form to escalate the issue.