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Student Transfers

Whether you are a MCS resident or reside in another school district, student transfer provides the opportunity to enroll your child in a school outside of your zoned neighborhood school. The approval process is based on space availability,  the ability of the school to meet the educational needs of your child, and compliance with attendance and behavior expectations**.  

Student Transfer approved applications are good for the duration of enrollment in Muncie Community Schools.  MCS residents who move out of the district may continue attending MCS with an updated address and will be subject to conditions of a transfer**.

**Transfer status may be revoked if students do not adhere to our attendance policy and/or are suspended from school.


2024-2025 Transfer Application

For questions regarding transfers, contact the appropriate department below.

Elementary (K-5)- 765-254-4842
Secondary (6-8) 765-281-3782
Out-of-District (K-12) 765-747-5208